Third blog

These are strange days for planet Earth. Every day, some new government guidance goes out that alters our way of life. Many pet owners are wondering what that means for their pets, especially since it was announced that some tigers in the Bronx have Covid-19. So, we at did some research and gathered some guidelines about coronavirus and pets to help ease our own pet loving minds and yours. While what follows is expert guidelines, please keep in mind that we are not public health experts and that guidelines and knowledge about the virus are changing all the time.

In trying times, pets are one of our greatest sources of comfort. Animal shelters in many areas are running short on animals as people seek companionship in isolation. The good news is, your pet is incredibly unlikely to become infected or spread Coronavirus. However, here are some common sense guidelines to keep you and yours healthy and happy. Basically, it comes down to what you already know - practice social distancing and good hygiene. 

Have your pet practice social distancing
When you take your dog for a walk, keep it six feet from others and do not allow anyone outside your household pet the dog. (that includes you, crazy lady on the trail who gave a stink face because I wouldn't let you pet my pooch!)

Don't interact with pets outside your household

Practice basic hygiene. Wash before and after handling the pet or any of their supplies

If possible, keep your cat indoors.


If you suspect you are infected

have someone else care for your pet if possible. 

If not, keep your pet indoors and quarantined with you

Avoid close contact (no dog kisses! We're not judging, but seriously)

Wear a face mask to protect your pet